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Assault Crimes

In Virginia, a physical fight or even an argument with a reasonable threat of violence can result in charges of assault or assault and battery.  In some cases, it can lead to other violent charges.

Jennifer Raimo has experience handling many of these types of charges. Some examples include:


  • Protective Orders (prosecution and defense)



  • Malicious Wounding
  • Unlawful Wounding
  • Strangulation Causing Injury
  • Caustic Substance

Every charge is serious no matter how minor the conduct may seem or how unjust the charge may seem to you. A misdemeanor assault charge is a class 1 misdemeanor that carries the risk of up to 12 months in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.  Felonies have a potential risk for even more severe penalties. In some cases, these charges can harm a security clearance for work or an immigrant's legal status in the United States.

You need a lawyer on your side who will work to protect your interests in court and in your life outside of the courtroom.  To schedule a free consultation to discuss your assault case or any other crime of violence with Jennifer Raimo, call her office at (703) 591-4868.


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